
Frequently Asked Questions

All deliveries within Nairobi metropolitan area are free of charge.

Any deliveries to other areas or abroad can be arranged with a third party logistics provider and the costs shall be agreed depending on the location and weight.

In the event the scheduled delivery needs to be rescheduled or location has to be changed, the purchaser is required to email stores@antrac-ke.com 2 days before the delivery date providing their sales order number and requesting for the change.

Failure to do so shall result to a charge of Kshs 3,500 plus Vat and a reschedule shall be done upon next available slot.

All prices displayed on the items are in Kenya Shillings and are inclusive of 16% VAT.

We accept all Visa & MasterCard credit cards. To protect your security and to prevent credit card fraud where possible, we reserve the right for proof of identity on all purchases.

We also accept payment via Cheque and Banker’s Draft but deliveries will only be made once the Cheque or Banker’s Draft clears from the bank within 5 working days. All Cheques or Bankers Draft must be made out in the name Antarc Ltd.

Please read Terms & Conditions for more details.

Antarc always keeps the door open for all kinds of collaboration. Please reach out to us, so we can discuss various options on how to meet the market demand and exceed expectations of your clients.

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